AGRICARE TRI 19 is an imported balanced NPK fertilizer completely soluble in water. It is sufficient in very little quantity when used at an accurate time. For a good yield of crops, NPK fertilizers are very important. Agricare Tri 19 contains NPK and other trace elements providing a complete dose of essential nutrients to the crop during its growth phase. The product is acidic in nature and environment friendly, obtaining better quality and higher yield from crops.
Floriculture, Golf Course & Sports Field, Kitchen & Terrace Garden, Landscape, Nursery & Tissue Culture, Open Field Cultivation, Orchard, Protected Farming, Water Soluble NPK
Agricare Tri 19 19:19:19
White Crystalline Green House Grade Soluble NPK Fertilizer
₹217.00 – ₹4,410.00
Ammonical N | 4.5% |
Nitrate N | 4% |
Amide N | 10.5% |
Phosphorus | 19% |
Potassium | 19% |
- Dissolve 1g Tri 19/L water, spray over plant or through Drip Irrigation
- Can be used with any pesticide and fungicide also