Accent II

Premium Perennial Ryegrass

  • Attractive turf cover with a medium‐fine leaf blade, dark green color
  • Excellent spring and summer turf density

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Accent II perennial ryegrass by Jacklin® Seed, USA is adapted to use on golf course fairways, roughs, and tees, sports turf, home lawns, parks, and industrial and school sites. Accent II is a perfect choice when used alone or matched with other Jacklin grasses in mixtures and blends for permanent turf in temperate and transition zone climates.

It is an admirable addition to blends for overseeding on dormant bermudagrass. It displays good quality, color and density and can be mown down to putting green heights for overseeding.

It is our best sports ryegrass. It has superior wear tolerance and maintains high percent living ground cover.

It has great resistance to several troublesome diseases including brown patch, red thread, pythium blight, and pink snow mold. Additionally, it has good resistance to Drechslera and Bipolaris leaf spot. Enhanced resistance means greener turf with less unsightly browning and less chemicals used to keep your grass healthy.


Wear Tolerance Outstanding
Seeding Vigor Very Good
Spring Green-Up Very Good
Winter Hardiness Very Good
Pythium Blight Resistant Outstanding
Brown Patch Resistant Outstanding
Spring & Summer Density Outstanding
Low Maintenance Very Good


Species Lolium perenne
Seeding Rate (lb) 4-10
Mowing (in) 0.5-2


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