Bengal Creeping Bentgrass

Like a crouching tiger, Bengal Creeping Bentgrass leaps beyond expectation in the hunt for superior turf performance. Bengal is the newest high quality creeping bentgrass from Barenbrug USA for the golf course superintendent.

  • Strong performing creeping bent affording economy and turf quality
  • Excellent summer performance
  • Great overall disease resistance
  • Rich green color / uniform and dense

Bengal Creeping Bentgrass is a dense, low-thatch producing, drought tolerant plant that exhibits excellent turf quality on greens, tees, and fairways. Leaf texture is fine, upright and retains color throughout the fall and winter while excelling at spring green-up. Naturally strong resistance to Brown Patch, Downy Mildew, and Dollar Spot.

For ease of planting and superior germination and establishment, Bengal also feature’s Barenbrug’s proprietary Yellow Jacket® enhanced seed coating. Yellow Jacket utilizes superabsorbant technology to produce a coating that can hold up to 600 times its own weight in water. The results provide fast, uniform germination and early growth, with reduced water requirements during early establishment.

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  • Excellent spring green-up
  • Wilt and disease resistant
  • Rich green color
  • Excellent drought tolerance
  • Excellent texture
  • Proven by NTEP data
  • Features Barenbrug’s proprietary Yellow Jacket® enhanced seed coating. Yellow Jacket provides fast, uniform germination and early growth, with reduced water requirements during early establishment


Seeding Rate (lb) 0.75-1.0
Interseeding Rate (lb) 0.25-0.5
Seeds Per Pound 7,000,000
Mowing: Recommendation (in) 0.25-1.0
Mowing: High Input Min. (in) 0.125


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