AGRICARE DVIRUS has identified plants based active compounds, which can control virus. It is a mixture of extracts of plants having medicinal properties. It is made from medicinal extracts and oil of herbs. It is very effective to prevent & cure Leaf Mosaic, Bunchy Top, Leaf Curl and other viral diseases. We recommend prophylactic use of dVirus for better results. dVirus acts against virus by binding, hindered binding of virions to the plant cells & stop further replication of virus in plants.
Target Crops & Diseases:
- Cucumber: Mosaic Virus (CMV)
- Tomato: Leaf Curl Virus (ToLCV)
- Ladyfinger: Yellow Mosaic Virus (BYVMV)
- Papaya: Mosaic Curl Virus (PapMV)
- Tobacco: Leaf Curl Virus (TCLV)
- Banana: Streak Virus (BSV)
- Melon: Leaf Curl Virus (MLW)
- Bean: Yellow Mosaic Virus (BYMV)