T-1™ Creeping Bentgrass is bred for exceptional tolerance to a wide range of conditions, ensuring that your greens stay green, rain or shine. Originating from selections found on 40 to 100-year-old golf course bentgrass stands in the Southern United States, crossed with dwarf-type cultivars found in Oregon, T-1 possesses unique and versatile genetics. These diverse genetics allow T-1 to thrive under varying management practices and provide aggressive stoloniferous growth.
T-1 creeping bentgrass will provide tournament-quality turf on any golf course as it competes against your biggest enemy; annual bluegrass. Producing about twice as many stolons as a typical bentgrass, T-1 quickly establishes and fills any void, whether that is from a divot, aerification, or grow-in. T-1 is not only versatile on the golf course but is widely used across the United States in low- and high-input situations. T-1’s aggressive nature and tolerance to a wide range of mowing heights allows it to be used from tees to greens. T-1 is an excellent selection for interseeding greens as it out competes Poa Annua and provides superior dollar spot resistance.